It has been a while that this Darn Covid-19 has been around now, and it has been hard on everyone.
Our condolences go out to all the Families that have lost loved ones due to Covid-19.
Now for my RANT.
For past month or so, Vancouver Island has had no cases of Covid-19.
Good Job British Colombians!
Unfortunately, Today we have received news that someone has contracted the virus. The person who has been effected worked at a shopping mall that just recently re-opened.
During a recent Camping trip with my close Family members we noticed that many people are acting like the Pandemic has ended and are taking NO precautions at all to protect themselves and others. The beach area was packed with people and children. Groups of people wandered around the grounds NOT practicing safe distancing and no masks.
Our borders are supposed to be CLOSED.
However there have been many people from the USA coming to the border claiming they are on their way to Alaska Via British Columbia borders. they come and visit never intending to go to Alaska.
Officials have been handing out $1,200 tickets to those that are from out of country and not adhering to the rules.
If we are to flatten the curve of new cases we all need to keep up the hard work and practice Safe distancing, wear masks when we must go out in public, and wash or sanitize our hands frequently.